Tuesday, May 13, 2008

As the deadline approaches...

...I get more and more stressed out.

Friends, imagine if you were doing a DR and then had to switch topics midway but still had to do the same amount of fieldwork. That is my situation where I switched organizations midway through since the first one gave me an over a week-long vacation to do nothing. My previous supervisors did not seem interested one bit in helping me develop my studies, so after waiting for them to return to the office (2-3 days after they said they would), I packed up my bags and left. Thankfully, another organization has taken me under their wing and are much more enthusiastic about helping. This, unfortunately, does not change my deadline.

My only solace is going to a cafe, a 4-yuan drive away, and sitting down amongst my thoughts and constant searching for useful articles.


Edit: OK, finally got out of my own world to address the earthquake that just happened. I guess I just feel relieved that my classmates and I are all OK. The organization I am working with is organizing a relief effort amongst ten universities in our province. Hopefully, I will be able to assist with the relief effort in any way I can. Condolences go out to anyone injured by the disaster or those who know people who have been.


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